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Make Time for Some Dramatic Play on this Fun Friday!

Yes Let's

Yes Let's can be played at home with family and friends or it can be played in a classroom. This is an ensemble building experience where all participants support one another.

How to play

  • Participants will begin in an open space with room to move around.

  • One participant may say: “Let’s fly”.

  • The rest of the group will support the idea and all say in unison “Yes Let’s”.

  • Then everyone will fly around the room.

  • Someone may suggest something else to dramatize, “Let’s be lions”.

  • The rest of the group will support the idea and all say in unison “Yes Let’s”.

  • Then everyone would roar and pretend to be lions.

  • This will continue until everyone in the group has had a turn to suggest or until the group has had sufficient things to dramatize.

Key Take-Aways


  • Agreeing and supporting one another by saying "Yes Let's" and moving together in accord.

  • Using your imagination and thinking outside of the box to suggest fun creative things to become. (The sillier the better).

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